Norris Needs Wheels

As we’ve said before, at DMC, we love giving back to the communities we serve and helping our clients achieve success while working for a greater cause. In addition to helping our clients achieve their charitable goals, DMC takes on some causes of our own, and right now our goal is to help our friend, […]
A Win Win Situation: Where Marketing and Charity Come Together

We’re so excited to share our recent success stories helping our clients generate money for great causes! At DMC, we’re all about giving back to the communities we serve and we’re very proud of how our efforts have exceeded not only ours but our client’s expectations. Page Likes and Big Giving One of our clients, […]
Three Way to Get More Video Views

Video content has been proven to boost conversions and even sales. To get these conversion rates and sales, you first need views. With so much video content streaming out there, the question is: how do you ensure that your videos get noticed? 1. Share Strategically The best way to get the attention of customers or […]
WOW Your Clients By Adding a Video Player to Your Sales Collateral

It’s important not to limit your content. Having informative, inspired sales collateral helps generate interest, demonstrates value, and builds credibility. What’s the best way to achieve this? With video! Adding a video player to your sales collateral allows you to transform your information and easily grab the attention of your audience. SEE PRINTAVIZION IN ACTION! […]
A Knock-Out Success Story

We’re excited to share a recent knock-out Dynamic Marketing Consultants success story! Over the last few months, the team at DMC has partnered with former boxing champion, Ronald “Winky” Wright. Since retiring, the former middle-weight boxing champion has taken on the Florida housing market, looking to rebuild old neighborhoods, one home at a time. Through […]
How to Grab People’s ATTENTION Instantly!

Did you know that before reading any text, 60% of your website visitors will watch a video if available? In a business climate dominated by technology, video marketing has emerged as a leading way for marketers to both influences and engage their target audience. While using video content in your company’s marketing strategy used to […]
How to Protect Your Online Reputation

In today’s technology-dominated society, your online reputation can make or break your business. Whether the information being shared about your business is true or false, how you’re portrayed in the online community becomes a reality in the business world. In order to keep your reputation intact, it’s important to know what’s being said about your […]
Repeating Success – the key is easier than you think!

Repeat business, new customers, and referrals don’t happen on their own. It starts with a great experience that “wows” people and makes them want to tell their friends. But then, you need to build on that experience by staying in touch with existing customers while also reaching new people in the process. That’s where marketing […]
Green Tech Tips for Earth Day

Today, as we acknowledge this great planet we live on, it’s important we keep in mind that in order to truly make a difference, we need to “go green” – not just today but every day. Lucky for us, it’s become much easier to be a more energy-efficient and environmentally responsible in the workspace. Here […]
To Mail or to Email? That is the question…

While it’s undeniable that technology has changed the direct marketing industry, it has not irreparably damaged direct mail marketing. Quite the contrary, actually. Direct mail, in many ways, has been enhanced by web technologies. Answer these two questions: How many emails do you get a day? How many do you read a day? We’d bet […]