How to Keep Website Visitors Engaged | The Best Live Chat Team

Website Engagement Chatbots

To have chat or not to have chat? That is the question. I’m sure everyone out there has been on a website and BOOM! In the lower right-hand corner, a chat icon pops up to greet you. Nelson Bruton, president of interchanges, a lead generation firm in business for years joins us to discuss having […]

Creating a Business to Support Your Lifestyle

Devin Herz discusses the importance of prioritizing long-term goals and building a community in the early stages of growing your business, while also balancing your lifestyle goals – How do you want to spend your time outside of work? Michael Zipursky, CEO of Consulting Success, weighs in on the topic for an insightful conversation about […]

Event Domination – How to Dominate Your Next Event

For those of you that do tradeshows or events: this video is for you! Everyone knows that purchasing vendor space or sponsorships can be expensive. The question then becomes – how are you going to capitalize on it and make sure you get a positive return on investment? In this episode, Devin Herz, Chief Creative […]

Business Branding – One of the most important foundations of a great business

Branding. So many people think that branding is just about a logo, and those people couldn’t be further from the truth! Branding strategies go far beyond a logo to encompass the entire identity of your business and all the ways people experience it from the company name all the way down to the culture within […]

Online Reviews – The digital way to make or break your business

In today’s digital world, online reviews can make or break a business pretty quickly, so handling them with care is super important. Online reviews are one of the most turned to avenues when deciding to do business with a company or not, judging on good reviews, bad reviews, lack of reviews or even how you […]