Lessons Learned from the Music Business in 2020, Creating Content for Social Media TODAY! DMC Marketing Nugget

Has 2020 been a major disruption OR opportunity for recording artists? In this week’s #DMCmarketingnugget – Devin Herz talks to O Lee Solomon of Makin Good TV and rapper CWBY – to discuss the new ways smart marketers are producing content and getting found. Much has changed from the days Devin and O Lee Solomon worked the Tampa night scene over 20 years ago.

And with Covid-19 restrictions, they’re learning to “pivot” (yes, that’s a “Friends” reference) in order to keep the content coming.

► Follow CWBY On Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/iamcwby/

► Connect With O Lee Solomon III | http://MakinGoodTV.com

► Listen to CWBY’s First Single On Oct. 30th On Your Favorite Music Streaming Platform!

Need help creating content that will engage and inspire your audience to take action? ► Set up a Free Strategy Call with Devin: https://dynamicmarketingconsultants.c…

We hope you found this Marketing Nugget informative and that you’ll consider implementing some fun social media tips into your next marketing campaign. Thank you for following us and be sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel. Reach out to our team at DMC if we can help with your upcoming marketing plans.

► Subscribe to Our Channel | https://www.youtube.com/c/DynamicMark…

► Where to follow and listen to Devin & DMC | View our links at https://yourdmc.com/dmc-links